Radices Consortium

The roots of the guild structure date back to 17th-century Holland, where Dutch families, renowned for their success as merchants and traders, laid the foundation for the consortium’s establishment and continuity. During the Dutch Golden Age, guilds financed various ventures, including shipbuilding, real estate, commodities, and arts, earning widespread international recognition for their achievements.

With the expansion of East Indian trading and an increase in wealth, the guilds extended their financing services, offering loans and investments within the consortium and in fields of interest such as real estate, trade, and commodities. Throughout its journey, the consortium underwent changes, incorporating new families, entrepreneurs, and businessmen. Guided by cherished family traditions, succeeding generations have upheld Rubenstein Capital’s legacy as a traditional and independent endeavor.

What We Encourage

At Rubenstein Capital, our approach is firmly rooted in our esteemed heritage of trade and finance. We take pride in mentoring the next generation and selected entrants, instilling them with timeless ethics and community values to prepare them for leadership. Our unwavering focus lies in long-term growth, value accumulation, community development, and maintaining our independence. Our diverse interests encompass Manufacturing, Real Estate, Commodity, Infrastructure, and Art & Antiques, reflecting our commitment to staying relevant and aligned with the evolving needs of our consortium.

Honoring Traditional Values

Education and strong moral principles are essential cornerstones of powerful societies, fostering autonomy and self-reliance. We hold in high regard the importance of local craftsmanship and competitive manufacturing as catalysts for community welfare and independence. Consortium family ethics and religious values are generously imparted to nurture personal growth and instill confidence in young talents. At Rubenstein Capital, we fervently advocate lifestyle investments that enrich communities, preserve culture and heritage, and secure community welfare, succession, and family wealth. Upholding these cherished values lies at the heart of our ethos, empowering us to create a positive impact on the world around us.

Consilium Nostrum Fidem Continet

At Rubenstein Capital, our liquidity strategy is aligned with our core philosophy, directing funding towards companies that align with our deeply ingrained values and culture. Collaborating with a distinguished group of private investors, we harness the wealth of resources and expertise that our guild culture offers, allowing us to swiftly identify promising opportunities.

As a consortium, we steer clear of financing ventures driven by ideological activism or unrealistic promises, as well as those promoting destructive monopolistic or globalist ideals. Our critical approach also leads us to refrain from supporting projects lacking collateral or those that do not contribute meaningfully to community development.

In the financial context, “mid-market” refers to a segment of the market that falls between the large or upper-market and small or lower-market segments. It is often used to describe companies, transactions, or investment opportunities that are neither large-scale nor small-scale, but rather somewhere in the middle in terms of size, revenue, or market capitalization.

The exact definition of what constitutes the mid-market can vary depending on the context, industry, and location. However, in general, mid-market companies are typically characterized by:

Revenue and Market Capitalization: Mid-market companies usually have a moderate level of revenue and market capitalization. The precise figures can differ based on the industry, but they are generally above small businesses and below large corporations.

Operations: Mid-market companies are often established and have a track record of operations. They may have a significant regional or national presence but might not be as globally dominant as large multinational corporations.

Ownership Structure: Mid-market companies can be privately held, family-owned, or publicly traded. In some cases, they may be subsidiaries of larger enterprises.

Market Influence: While not as influential as large corporations, mid-market companies can still play a crucial role in their respective industries and contribute to the overall economy.

Investment Activity: Mid-market transactions typically involve mergers, acquisitions, and investments in companies of moderate size.

For example, in the context of mergers and acquisitions, a mid-market transaction would involve the acquisition or merger of a company with a moderate-sized revenue and valuation. Similarly, in the context of private equity, mid-market private equity firms focus on investing in mid-sized companies with growth potential.

Overall, the mid-market segment is considered an essential and diverse part of the economy, representing a wide range of businesses that contribute to economic growth and employment opportunities.

Investment Criteria:

At our firm, we prioritize investing in profitable, well-established companies led by talented management teams that hold prominent positions in their respective market segments.

Our key investment criteria encompass:

Strong market positions and sustainable competitive advantages.
High predictability and visibility of earnings.
Proven track record of generating cash flow and achieving attractive returns on capital throughout economic cycles.
We are deeply committed to supporting businesses owned by entrepreneurs, families, and/or private equity sponsors in realizing their growth and value-creation goals.